ET3 online education
ET3 hosts every month a new four 30-minute online classes for anyone who wants to know more about ET3.
Every lecture will be given two times a week:
Wednesday: 12:00 (CEST)
Thursday: 20:00 (CEST)
Order of lectures:
Lecture 1: The concept and vision of ET3 (every first week of the month)
Lecture 2: The technology and possibilities of ET3 (every second week of the month)
Lecture 3: The business structure and licensing of ET3 (every third week of the month)
Lecture 4: ET3, you and shaping the future (every fourth week of the month)
A client has unlimited access to all past and future introductory lectures. At the moment in english only - from 2015 also in several other languages. Each lecture is 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes Q&A.
To receive unlimited access, please go to our webshop and buy the 'ET3 Online Education'
Hereunder you can see the lectures of this week (and the lectures in the previous -and next weeks)
Every lecture will be given two times a week:
Wednesday: 12:00 (CEST)
Thursday: 20:00 (CEST)
Order of lectures:
Lecture 1: The concept and vision of ET3 (every first week of the month)
Lecture 2: The technology and possibilities of ET3 (every second week of the month)
Lecture 3: The business structure and licensing of ET3 (every third week of the month)
Lecture 4: ET3, you and shaping the future (every fourth week of the month)
A client has unlimited access to all past and future introductory lectures. At the moment in english only - from 2015 also in several other languages. Each lecture is 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes Q&A.
To receive unlimited access, please go to our webshop and buy the 'ET3 Online Education'
Hereunder you can see the lectures of this week (and the lectures in the previous -and next weeks)